Montecristo Yellow series no. 2
Montecristo Original, often referred to as the Yellow Label, proudly presents its legendary cigars as part of the smooth Dominican "exile" series, a line that confidently rivals the storied Havanas. Each of these rich-tasting cigars boasts impeccable construction, featuring a silky, golden wrapper that not only burns beautifully but also envelops you in a marvelously smooth aroma. The creamy finish is a hallmark of these world-class cigars. The legacy of Montecristo dates back to 1935 when Alonso Menendez and Pepe Garcia founded the brand in Cuba. Despite the challenges and changes in the industry, Montecristo stayed true to its roots, consistently producing some of the finest handmade cigars. Montecristo Yellow is a timeless classic that should always have a place in your humidor.
Wrapper | Conneticut |
Strength | Mellow – Medium |
Region | Dominican Republic |
Length | 6 |
Ring | 50 |
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